Categoría: Sober Living

  • Alcoholic Polyneuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

    Some of your bodily functions are autonomic, which means that you don’t directly control them. Nerves that are part of the autonomic nervous system help to regulate heart rate, body temperature, respiration, and blood pressure. Polyneuropathy involves damage to more than one nerve at the same time, usually multiple nerves throughout the peripheral nervous system…

  • Alcoholic Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

    The alcohol use itself is the most significant player in alcoholic polyneuropathy. Symptoms of alcohol-related nerve damage develop gradually over time, and can become worse without treatment. Until symptoms become serious, many people may ignore or neglect their neuropathy. Alcohol can also cause depletion of some important nutrients, leading to deficiencies. What Are Alcoholic Face…