What Is a «Functioning Alcoholic»? Signs, Dangers, Help

High-Functioning Alcoholic

Although they may appear to be healthy and functional, without treatment, their condition could get worse. Genetic or environmental factors can cause high-functioning alcoholism. For example, a family history of alcoholism or a stressful environment. Although a person with high-functioning alcoholism may appear fine, they are not. Without treatment, their alcoholism can get progressively worse. The signs and symptoms listed above should be a good indicator of high-functioning alcoholism.

Alcoholism Resources

They frequently have alcohol, talk about it, and spend money on it. They drink alcohol with every meal and often carry alcohol with them. Alcohol becomes a daily necessity, almost a part foods with alcohol in them of who they are. Twenty years ago today, I woke up from a typical alcohol-induced blackout in an apartment I did not recognize in an unfamiliar Boston neighborhood.

Daily drinking can have serious consequences for a person’s health, both in the short- and long-term. Many of the effects of drinking every day can be reversed through early intervention. Typically, alcohol withdrawal symptoms happen for heavier drinkers. Alcohol withdrawal can begin within hours of ending a drinking session. While cirrhosis scars from excessive drinking are irreversible, quitting alcohol and leading a healthier lifestyle can help your liver heal from alcohol-related liver disease.

Impact of Being a Functional Alcoholic

They may take steps to avoid the person while they are drinking, or they may experience feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame. In addition to the health effects of having an alcohol use disorder, it can also take a toll on relationships. Drinking doesn’t just affect the individual; it affects the entire family unit. One of the main reasons that people who misuse alcohol seek help is the eventual negative consequences of their alcohol consumption. When the pain or embarrassment gets bad enough, they can no longer deny that their drinking needs to be addressed.

High-Functioning Alcoholic

Risk Factors for Functional Alcoholics

Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. By Buddy TBuddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not use his photograph or his real name on this website. A test recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT).

They are usually able to manage areas of eco sober house life including jobs, homes, and families. We receive advertising fees from purchases through the BetterHelp links below.

There may also be new legal issues arising for them, like driving under the influence or making other poor decisions. You may begin to notice that a couple of beers after work has turned into a six-pack or even a case. As time goes on and tolerance increases, they may attempt to hide the growing problem, and a growing number of empty bottles or cans, from friends and family. The National Institute of Health suggests that loved ones should start by talking about their concerns.

If possible, get other family member and friends involved and stage an intervention. The participants in an intervention could include the alcoholic’s spouse or partner, children, parents, friends, coworkers, employer, friends and other individuals who have been affected. A substance abuse counselor, family therapist or spiritual advisor may also attend to provide an objective presence and keep the agenda on track.


  1. The participants in an intervention could include the alcoholic’s spouse or partner, children, parents, friends, coworkers, employer, friends and other individuals who have been affected.
  2. Organizations such as the American Society of Addiction Medicine can guide you to help, too.
  3. In the short term, alcohol use increases the risk for alcohol poisoning, fetal alcohol syndrome, accidents, injuries, violence, and risky sexual behavior.
  4. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  5. Thousands of people have conquered alcoholism and you can do it too.

When the dopamine rush left, the night turned to morning, the music died down, and the crowd left—the reality of my powerlessness over alcohol was waiting for me. It waited patiently for my recognition for 12 years until that morning when my consciousness and the truth collided undeniably. Consider speaking to your primary care provider about your concerns or attending a support group as a first step. The refusal to abstain can become more apparent in certain situations. This includes times when many people give up alcohol, such as «dry January» or the period of fasting and penitence in the Christian calendar leading up to Easter known as Lent. It may also cause an individual to refuse to travel to areas where alcohol access may be limited.

What is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

Functional alcoholics are often in deep denial about their problem. After all, they have managed to maintain the appearance of success despite their addiction. But most high-functioning alcoholics have friends or loved ones who help them cover up the consequences of their drinking. These individuals may unconsciously encourage or enable the alcoholic’s behavior by allowing the alcoholic to avoid the negative consequences of destructive drinking. Without treatment, high-functioning alcoholics will not recover.

So often, books and treatment are focused on the partner with the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) while spouses receive significantly less support but are equally in distress. Recovery from substance use disorders (SUDs) is an ongoing process and those fortunate to have long-term recovery share one thing in common—an ability to recommit. The recovery process from Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) has evolved over time. It also shifts for individuals throughout the course of their sobriety. The incredibly important first step is to recognize your need for help and move past denial.

Individual therapy, combined with marriage or family counseling, can strengthen your self-esteem and help you build a healthy, sober relationship. Liver damage is the most talked about physical consequence and that is a concern almost immediately. Alcoholics can go on to develop heart, respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. There can also be declines in their mental and overall health, especially if they’re not eating healthy diets or engaging in physical activity. In “case management,” a professional may work with you one-on-one. Outpatient programs make it possible for you to get treatment during the difference between aa and na day and still live at home.

Regrettably, in many cases, other people in their lives affirm their denial by agreeing with their excuses and encouraging them to drink more. Spouses and family members of high-functioning alcoholics sometimes makes excuses for them as well and continue to keep alcohol at home. The most in-depth care allows you to live full time at a treatment facility.


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